Last days to Register for the FRS Equity Compensation Fair!


Are you part of a start-up organization trying to make the most out of your equity compensation? Are you a public company curious about the SEC's proposed reporting updates regarding equity compensation? Do you struggle with the complexities of FASB 123(R) accounting rules? Is your current equity compensation plan design effective in the current economy? Does your equity plan administration software provide the best features for your organization's needs?

Answers to all these questions and more will be available at the FRS Equity Compensation Fair this Friday, September 25th.  Only $25 for the entire day of learning, networking, and gathering valuable information!

Register online today:

FRS Equity Strategies
Equity Compensation Fair
Friday September 25th, 2009
8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Executive Suites
Training Room and Reception Area
2570 North First St., San Jose, CA 95131

Event 1: The Seminar 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Four sessions provided by notable experts focusing on key trends and issues impacting your equity compensation programs. All attendees will be eligible to receive 3 CPE credit hours.

Session 1: Equity Compensation in a Start-up Company
We will discuss the following topics related to equity compensation in start-ups:

Capitalization in a Private Company
Corporate Value, Ownership Allocation
Planning for Growth
Planning for an IPO or Sale
Equity Compensation Considerations


Erik Beucler
Senior Consultant, Compensia

Dave Bisson
Senior Consultant, Presidio Pay Advisors

Session 2: Proxy Disclosure Rules and Executive Equity Compensation Programs
The discussion will cover the SEC's proposed and recently implemented updates to executive compensation disclosure. Topics include the impact of risk assessment on equity programs, say-on-pay provisions, and proposed modifications to the equity compensation disclosure rules.

Michael L. Stevens
Partner, Alston & Bird, LLC

William Parsons
Principal, CompWiser Consulting

Session 3: FAS123(R) - an advanced refresher for public and private companies
An advanced refresher on FAS 123(R) issues including: the fair valuation process, tips for modeling, modification accounting treatment, non-employee awards, and repricings.

Eileen Treanor
Sr Manager Corp Accounting Policy, Yahoo!

Marianne Brannock-Hill
CEO, FRS Equity Strategies

Session 4: Equity Plan Design and Redesign
We will review the various considerations for equity compensation plan compliance. Recommendations will be provided to help ensure your equity plan is an effective tool for attracting, retaining and motivating talent.

Tom LaWer
Principal, Compensia

Christine Zwerling
Equity Comp Project Director, NCEO

Event 2: The Networking Luncheon 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Take this opportunity to network with your business associates and friends. Lunch will be provided.

Event 3: The Vendor Fair 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Get to know your equity compensation software, service and training providers. Break-out sessions for demos and private discussions to get your questions answered.

We look forward to having you join us on this day of education, networking, and information gathering. If you have questions, or would like further information, please call us at (408) 727-0227 or email

To register online, please go to:

3 Replies

Dear Mr. Parsons,

Thank you very much for having posted this event!  The agenda contains many substantive topics. 

Are there materials from this conference that are available for purchase? 

Do you conduct events on the east coast (e.g., the New York City Metro area)?

Do you plan on a future conference that will address International Accounting Standards and Equity Compensation?


Joe Athy, CPA



Hi Joe,

There are many resources at - click on "Home" then click on "Equity Compensation Index Page" - there is a wealth of information and resources at your finger tips!

Good luck!



Please feel free to contact me at and I will be happy to provide you with copies of the event presentations at no cost. There has been quite a lot of interest in an East-Coast session and we may be doing one in the future.



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