Check out the new ECE Semi-Monthly Poll

As the ECE membership continues to grow (at 590 as of today), we are trying to add features that make the site more useful for members.  We have many ideas that we will be rolling out during 2009.

Our newest feature is a semi-monthly poll.  Twice each month we will post a single question on the site.  This months question is:

"Has your company considered any corrections, repricings, cash-outs or exchanges for underwater stock options?"

These new pools are anonymous and will give all of us a feel for how others are dealing with important or interesting issues.  If you have a good idea for a poll question that would be non-"salesy" and appeal to a majority of members, please send it to us via email (along with possible answers).  We will do our best to get it posted at the next open date.


Invite 5

Lastly, we know with the economy down it has become difficult for many people to maintain memberships in all relevant professional organizations.  Please Invite 5 of your colleagues to join the ECE this week. We will continue to provide the most up-to-date information possible and make sure you know about industry events (including free events and those where membership to one of the industry's several professional organization can help reduce costs).

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