Twitter, Point/Counterpoint, Membership and more

Hi everyone,

First, the "more".  There may be times in the next few months where the ECE site will see less of me.  My wife and I just found out that we will be adopting newborn twins in Mid to late October!  I have heard rumors that this may cut into my sleep (which I tend to not need much of) and may monopolize some of my time.We will see.

I hope that other members will fill in by posting articles, jobs and calendar events.  It is important to me that the ECE become increasingly more interactive.  The true goals are to help people keep a pulse on the industry and to spur discussions about the best ways to help equity compensation evolve into a new era.  I hope you will join me on those quests.

It is obvious that the free ECE site resonated with the community.  With over 800 members and growing byt 40-70 members a month, the ECE has grown beyond the original 20 members highest expectations.  Thanks and keep inviting your colleagues.  We want the community to be diverse, global and active.  We are on a quest for "1010 by 2010".  We would like to have 1010 ECE members by the 1 January 2010.

Some of the new things you will see over the next month or two are:

  1. Twitter feeds.  I should have these up and running by the end of August.  Look for more info soon.

  2. Point/Counterpoint discussion forum.  We will be creating a discussion forum specifically for debating issue in our industry.  This forum will be loosely governed by the rules of traditional debates.  Each individual will be given a side to argue and will make their point, followed by a rebuttal.  Hopefully the ECE community will join in to provide their support or dissent regarding each side of the argument

  3. Provider-sponsored subgroups.  The ECE will allow for providers to have built-in, password-protected sub-group for clients and prospects.  If you are a provider interested in a subgroup, please let me know ( or send a private message through the ECE site.)  It is our hope this will providers and their clients to have a more open discussion about the issues discussed on the ECE site.  It will also allow for more specific eduction on provider services and products for prospects.

  4. ECE Webinars, trainings and more.  Look for upcoming educational opportunities from the ECE.  If you are interested in providing a presentation the ECE membership, please contact me as soon as possible.  I am sure the calndar will fill up quickly!

Let me know what else you want to see, or not see. 


All the best,



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